An opportunity for Silver Creek High view and discuss books of different genres. It is a forum for Raptor book lovers to share their ideas and stories!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Pretties by Scott Westerfield

Pretties is a futuristic book about transforming from being an ugly to being a pretty. Tally disagrees with all the surgery that people have to through to become a pretty. Tally decides to run away... but the specials catch her and make her become a pretty. Tally does multiple things to try and become ugly again that sometimes involve a great journey.

Gang Leader for a Day by Sudhir Lenkatesh

This book is written by a sociology professor. He discusses his time in the early 90's while he was a grad student at the University of Chicago.Sudhir befriends a gang leader in the projects while giving him a questionnaire. The book provides a great look into the impoverished American society. Read it!

Into Thin Air by John Krakauer

The main thing about this book was bringing a sense of adventure into everyday life. This book was a series of men climbing Mount Everest and expose themselves to the fury of nature.

Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli

Milkweed is about a nameless orphan growing up in Nazi occupied Warsaw. His life is a tumultuous and chaotic, but he seems to love it with a child's unwavering love.
This was a great book! Misha's life really strikes you especially when he sees everything from a child's view. And, this idea that being nothing is better than anything, really almost hurts.