An opportunity for Silver Creek High view and discuss books of different genres. It is a forum for Raptor book lovers to share their ideas and stories!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Merlin Conspiracy by Megan Mcnea

There is a conspiracy in the land of Best. Durring a meeting of kings at the Scottish border the old Merlin died.
The new Merlin is working with Sir James and is Co conspirators. If you like a mysterious love story this book is right for you.

~submitted by student 

Beautiful Redemption By Kimi Garcia & Margaret Ston
It's the last book in the Caster chronicals. It was amazing. It's about Ethan struggle to get back to the mortal world. I like that it goes from Ethan's perspective to Lena's.
Chronicals of chistomanci volume I
By Megan Mcivea

Cat is a wizard with nine life's. Cat and his sister live through a flood and live with their neighbor who was training his sister in withcraft. This book is great if you like stories about underdogs.

Whispers at moonrise- By CC hunter

Whispers at moonrise is the 3rd book of the shodow fall sires. This book was continuing Kylie parks journey to figure out what she is anol how to control her new-found powers. Kylie is special, she doesn't like it though. With Lucus as her boyfreind and Derek as her "friend" life's hard on Kylie.

~submitted by student

Monday, November 12, 2012

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Divergent is about... at age 16 everyone is supposed to take a test. And in this test it determines where their lives begin. For Tris her test results come out incomplete, therefore Tris has to make a decision. If she wants to stay in her original faction or go where her heart is, and in the end she makes a decision that even surprises herself.

This is a fast, suspenseful read that I know you will enjoy!

~Submitted by student

Romiette and Julio by Sharon Draper

This book is almost like Romeo and Juliet, but instead of them being royalty they are both high school students. They both go to the same high school and they start to become friends, then lovers. Also, instead of their families not wanting them together, a group of guys don't like Julio trying to tear them apart. I love this book. I do recommend it to people who like Drama and Romance books.

~Submitted by student