An opportunity for Silver Creek High view and discuss books of different genres. It is a forum for Raptor book lovers to share their ideas and stories!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Miranda is a girl on earth who is facing the catastrophic effects of a meteor hitting the moon.  Everyone around her seems to be dying as her and her mom struggle to provide for their family in hope that somehow things will get better on their once thriving planet.  Food and other objects that were once taken for granted by many people are now worth killing for, and those who don't die from starvation and the extreme weather conditions die from diseases and sicknesses.  This book has both action and romance, and I would definitely recommend it as one of the best books I have ever encountered.

Submitted by student.

The Giver by Lois Lowry

This book was interesting in many different ways.  The things they consider normal are weird for us.  The number one thing I liked about this book was how the main character was the Receiver and supposed to become the Giver.  The thing I didn't like about this was it is a cliff hanger.  I would definitely recommend this to a friend.

Submitted by student.

The Future of Us by Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler

This book was a creative take on seeing the future.  It is set in 1996 when two kids, Emma Nelson and Jason Templeton, find something that changes their lives... But they try to take control of this change and it spins out of their favor.  There is a cool story line, great ending, and interesting characters, creating this overall great book.

Submitted by student.

Switched by Amanda Hocking

Lately, I've been reading the Trylle novels.  This trilogy is about a girl who finds out she has the power of persuasion and plenty more powers.  Finn Holmes has come to bring Wendy home.  Wendy is a Princess Trylle who is being called home by her mother, the queen.  Wendy goes through a bunch of struggles.

Submitted by student.

Gossip Girl: all I want is everything by Cecily von Ziegesar


It was about the main people of the upper east side, Blair, Nate, Chuck, Serena, Dan and Jenny, and their hectic, stressful yet relaxing vacations in the Caribbean for Christmas.  The time spent in the Caribbean is as drama-filled as times at home.  Breakups, heartbreaks, cat-fights and stalkers follow these young New Yorkers, but will vacation be as restful and fun as planned?

Submitted by student.