An opportunity for Silver Creek High view and discuss books of different genres. It is a forum for Raptor book lovers to share their ideas and stories!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler

Mein Kampf is a ridiculously long rant. A rant about the German race, about his ideals. It is a long rant with a bit of his past mixed into it. It is a long rant with a bit read, but I never want to read it again -_-*

I give Mein Kampf two stars.

If you read it, here is some advice: (1) skip round. (2) Read it in 1 sitting or try too!

New Moon - Stephenie Meyer

Borderlines - Caroline Kraus

Ever wonder what it’s like to be so completely and totally engrossed in another human being? To feel so connected that you’re almost one person? Caroline Kraus did. Borderlines is a story of how deep relationships between women go. How your self worth can be dependent on the way another person sees them selves and the way they see you.

~Student Review

Unwound - Neal Schusterman

The Pact – Jodi Picoult

18 year old Chris grew up with his neighbor Emily and he loves her more than anything. Chris is shocked when Emily tells him she wants to kill herself, but he agrees to do anything to help her. When he is arrested for her murder, he has to face the truth of what happened to her if he is going to clear his name.

Highly recommend! Confusing at first but becomes more clear as “flashbacks” are revealed later on. Very intense at the end, keeps you interested!

~Student Submission