An opportunity for Silver Creek High view and discuss books of different genres. It is a forum for Raptor book lovers to share their ideas and stories!

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Dust of 100 Dogs, by E.S. King, is a story about a young girl who is born into this century, however she has a secret. She has a complete memory of her past life and she's determined to come to peace with that life. In her past life, her name was Emer, and she's a girl from around the 14th century and she grows up in a small village and then when her family is killed in a tragic war, she becomes very isolated and grows up to be a pirate. She sails everywhere with her crew finding treasure. She also meets a young boy, named Seanie, who appears to be mute, but he really just doesn't like talking much. They spend a lot of time together against the wishes of her uncle and they decide they love each other and they want to get married, but things go wrong when her uncle finds out and sells her to a man far away. When she leaves, Seanie is devastated and immediately begins his search for her. While all of this is occurring, Emer is also telling the story of her 100 lives as a dog and how that happened. She describes a few of her lives and a lot of the things she learned as a dog. As well as describing these lives and her dog lives, she's still a girl in the present and during this time she makes plans to go and find the treasure that she lost. She's also heartbroken about the loss of Seanie and it devastates her that she never really found him again and that he could be dead. Near the end she ends up back to where she knows she buried her treasure and when its not there she is very upset. However, she gets revenge on the man that killed her love in her past life and then on her journey back home, while sitting in the plane waiting for take off she looks out her window back at the airport and sees a man who looks very familiar and is smiling at her. She then realizes who it is and knows she hasn't lost him :)
I thought that this book was very intriguing, even though it is more of a younger level of reading. It was full of adventure and excitement and even romance and danger and of course buried treasure! I do recommend this book to anyone, it was a great read!

~ submitted by student

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